Everything you need to know about the jaundice and children


Many newborn babies are often suffering from jaundice which is based upon yellowing of the skin as well as eyes and children. Within the two or three days of delivery, approximately more than 60% of the newborn kids will be showing the symptoms of jaundice. The yellow substance will be produced within the red blood cells breakdown and the building up of such things will create jaundice in children. Normally the liver will be breaking down and will be excreting this substance and since the livers of the infant are still developing, they will be unable to effectively deal with the entire thing. Usually, there are two main types of jaundice in children as recommended by the best child hospital in Vijayawada experts:

  1. Physiologic jaundice: 60% of the babies are suffering from this particular problem which makes it a very common condition in babies. This will happen when the body will not at all be eliminating the bilirubin very quickly. Usually, by the time the infant is approximately two weeks old, this situation will be automatically resolved and there will be no chance of any kind of problem.
  2. Pathological jaundice: Many conditions including infections and hormonal imbalance will affect the ability of the liver to properly process the yellow substance which is the main reason that determining and addressing such underlying issues is important with the help of experts in the industry.

What are the common causes of jaundice in children? 

  1. Mismatch of the blood type: If the type of the blood of the mother and baby is different then red blood cells will be breaking down more quickly in comparison to the usual speed which will increase the chances of developing jaundice.
  2. Blood cell disorders: Jaundice can also be brought on by any other kind of illness for example anemia, deficiency in glucose six phosphate, or any other kind of related issues associated with the blood.
  3. Infections: Significant viral or bacterial infection can also lead to problems of jaundice and more serious infections like herpes or sepsis will also be leading to significant issues related to it.
  4. Endocrine disorders: Hormone conditions like hypothyroidism will lead to jaundice which is the main reason that you need to take all of these situations very seriously right from the beginning
  5. Bile flow blockages: Any sort of condition that obstructs the flow of bile from the liver will create the problem of jaundice. Remaining aware of this particular condition is very important so that things are sorted out and further you should get in touch with the doctors as soon as there is any development of the symptoms.
  6. Genetic disorder: This particular problem can also lead to the development of jaundice which will be usually harmless but this situation is extremely rare in itself

Some of the common symptoms of jaundice and children have been explained as follows backed by research from the best paediatric doctor in Vijayawada: 

  1. The presence of yellow color on the skin will start on the face as well as on the head area.
  2. A yellow tint on the white parts of the eyes
  3. Yellowing that will extend to the rest of the body in the cases of moderate jaundice
  4. Yellowing of the hands and souls
  5. Unusual drowsiness in the kids
  6. Difficulties in the feeding
  7. Occasional colour tools with dark urine which will be persistently pale and will last beyond two weeks of age

What kind of children are consistently at risk of developing jaundice? 

  1. Premature babies: Any baby who is born between the period of 35th and 37th week will have having liver that will not be fully developed which makes it very difficult for them to properly handle the situation of jaundice.
  2. Breastfeed babies: Jaundice is also very common in babies who are having trouble breastfeeding because the entire situation could be because of poor feeding or insufficient production of milk by the mother. In this case, people need to have a good understanding of things so that the chances of jaundice will be bare minimum.

The newborn should be very well tested for jaundice before leaving the hospital or the birthing center because the babies are consistently at a very high risk of jaundice and if the symptoms are not at all visible then also testing is very necessary to be taken into account. The doctor in this case will probably prescribe a blood test if the child is still facing the problem of jaundice after two weeks of age. This will help identify the type of jaundice and will also help determine what kind of testing systems are important. The additional testing in this case will be based upon a skin test along with a blood test so that diagnosis will be very proficiently done.

Whenever it comes to the world of treatment of jaundice the parents must remain in touch with the pediatrician because some of the infants will require photo therapy that will expose the infant skin to a particular type of intense blue color light and in this case, they will be exposed very safely to the lights. Due to a few hours of several days of phototherapy depending on the levels of jaundice, kids will be diagnosed accordingly and further treatment will be based upon evaluation and management of the symptoms.

Hence, parents need to observe that jaundice is very common in newborns scientifically this will dissolve on its own within two or one weeks. However, it is always important to check out the jaundice in the children because if not paid attention to it will lead to serious health issues including differences, cerebral palsy, and any other kind of related issues that nobody will be interested in having. So, timely valuation and management are very important in this case which is only possible whenever the parents remain consistently in touch with the gynaecologist in IB Nagar along with other pediatric specialists so that the medical condition of the baby will be very well diagnosed right from the beginning very professionally.

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