Revature Offers a Few Valuable Tips on How to Change Careers


Changing jobs, pursuing a new career or learning new skills are some of the most popular New Year’s resolutions. While all of them are certainly great goals to have, only a few people actually manage to make these wishes a reality. Learning something new or changing a comfortable job often seems to be overwhelming, but these challenges can also be quite fun and exciting. Moreover,  if someone is planning to learn coding or switch to a tech career, then they can always seek assistance from companies like Revature.

Revature  marks certain points that can make switching careers a lot simpler

If a person feels that their current career path or job is not rewarding enough, has no opportunity for advancement or provides an unsatisfactory income, then they must consider going for a job change. Even though taking the first few steps toward switching the career can be intimidating, its outcome can also be truly life changing.

When planning for a career change, people should try to make a list of their skill set. Rather than itemizing the tasks they do at their current job; people must focus on the skills needed to complete those tasks. For example, if a person has to work on spreadsheets and find errors in formulas, they may list problem solving and attention to detail as two of their key skills. One is likely to have many skills that they may not even be aware of. For example, foreign language majors are good at learning a new language and finding errors in sentences, which actually helps them to become great software engineers.

It would be smart for individuals to consider all major industries while trying to change their job, rather than simply sticking to the one related to their current job. It definitely is natural to make a lateral move or look into moving to a similar industry, one need to ask themselves if this is what they actually want. If they feel that some other industry can be more rewarding, then taking a leap of faith might prove to be the best decision. Rather than taking this decision alone, people may even reach out to friends, family, and colleagues. Checking out groups on social media can also be a good idea. If one is truly unsure about what field to consider for a career change, they may cast a broad net and talk to people from all walks of life. By doing so they may just come across the ideal career option that sparks their interest.

When switching their career, a lot of people worry about having to go back to school or paying to get the required skills or training. To steer clear of this issue, it is better to search for companies that are willing to invest in them instead, such as Revature. This company maintains a belief that individuals from diverse backgrounds can launch a career in tech successfully. Working for this company would involve 12 weeks of paid training for jobs in tech. They pay candidates to learn the skills most-in-demand in the IT industry, while also gaining the experience of working on real-world projects.

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