Business law lawyer job description.


Expert in law and business life, the business law lawyer ensures the legality of the actions of his employer: drafting of contracts, strategic orientation and defense in the event of litigation. He is therefore an increasingly strategic player within organizations. A profession that is both valued and paid, but reserved for candidates who are resistant to pressure.

What is the role of the business lawyer?

The business law lawyer is the guarantor of the legality of the operations of the company that employs him. Its daily missions are therefore varied, in that it includes supervision, strategic advice and compliance.monitor legislation and inform management of changes in legislation.recommend the changes necessary for the legal compliance of the company.dvise management on the strategic plan and assess the level of risk of a project.compile litigation files: drafting of deeds (summons, formal notices, responses, etc.) and liaison with the lawyers on the opposing side. His role is then similar to that of the litigation lawyer.supervising the drafting and monitoring of contracts.This list of missions is not exhaustive. The role of the business law lawyer evolves significantly according to the size and nature of the company in which he practices.

What are the expected skills ?

Like all professionals in the field of law, the business  lawyer must demonstrate total rigor and meticulousness . He relies daily on his sense of analysis, synthesis and compromise . Occasionally, he may have to be a good negotiator . He is curious and adaptable to follow changes in legislation as closely as possible.In contact with various and sometimes important interlocutors, the business law lawyer enjoys very good interpersonal skills, an impeccable presentation as well as an irreproachable written expression . He knows how to adapt and be a pedagogue to explain his files.Good to know: some companies appreciate solid accounting and/or tax skills .An excellent level of English as well as solid knowledge of the various national laws are now required of the business law lawyer to apply in large groups.The advantages and disadvantages of the business law profession.Masters in Business Law.This is obtained after five years of study in a law school.Other diplomas can be prepared in parallel, offering the business law lawyer a dual skill highly appreciated in the professional environment:DJCE (corporate consultant lawyer diploma)CAPA (certificate of aptitude for the legal profession).

What salary for the business law lawyer?

The business law lawyer receives a particularly attractive salary: set at just over €2000 per month for a beginner profile , it increases significantly to reach an average of €6000 monthly during his career.

The most experienced business lawyers can easily exceed these compensation levels.

Note: salary levels can vary greatly from one employer or region to another.

What are the career paths?

With experience, the business law lawyer extends his influence within the legal department of his company. Committed to junior status, he gains expertise with years of experience and is entrusted with increasingly complex and strategic files .

Eventually, he attains the status of senior business law lawyer, or even the status of legal director (particularly within a large company). He then broadens his area of ​​expertise and acquires managerial functions.

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